It was with great sorrow that the Slovak Civic Conservative Party (OKS) received the news of the death of Baroness Thatcher former British Prime Minister and leader of the British Conservative Party.

The OKS would like to take this opportunity to offer its sincerest condolences to Baroness Thatcher’s family to those who worked closely with her to the British Conservative Party and to the British people.

Baroness Thatcher was one of the most important figures of the previous century not just in British politics but also in European and world politics. She symbolised the struggle for a free society and its inseparable parts: the free market private ownership and a State that does not restrict and repress its people but protects them.

For all of us who grew up under the yoke of the former Eastern Bloc she also stood as a symbol of the struggle against Communism.

Rest in peace Iron Lady!

Ondrej Dostál
Chairman of the OKS

Ivan Kuhn
Deputy Chairman of the OKS and Member of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR)

Bratislava 8th April 2013.

